Pre-K & Young Fives

Goal:  Promote growth and develop readiness skills for Kindergarten.

Emotional Growth
Develop confidence self and in abilities; experience success; practice independence and self-reliance; develop confidence and trust in others; share feelings and emotions and learn to use them constructively

Intellectual Growth
Explore, observe and make discoveries about God’s world; develop problem solving abilities; sensory awareness (5 senses); recognize colors, letters, numbers and shapes; improve vocabulary & communication skills; experiment with tools and other materials; express self through language, art & music

Physical Growth
Develop large and small muscle control; establish good health habits; learn about nourishing foods; participate in group play; accept physical abilities and inabilities of self and others; develop good safety habits

Religious Growth
Listen to Bible stories; learn to respect and obey God; learn God made the world; sing songs to honor God

Social Growth
Listen to others speak; play & work cooperatively with peers; respect adults; learn to share and take turns; respond to counsel & discipline of parents & teachers; develop responsible attitudes toward manners, feelings of others, and property of others

Each week or two a different unit will be presented, and activities such as stories, songs, art and field trips will focus on this theme. The program will include both structured and unstructured activities. Cognitive areas (i.e. language, shape, color, concepts) will be covered but not stressed in general. Emphasis will also be placed on helping children gain confidence in their ability to learn and interact with their fellow students and teachers. The daily schedule will include free play, Bible stories, singing, art, sharing time, snack, outdoor or gym play and a monthly field trip.

Young Fives
Goal:  Promote growth and develop readiness skills for Kindergarten.  Skills learned in Pre-K are taken a bit further and monitored with more specific tasks.

Develop interest in new ideas; ask pertinent questions; pay attention and concentrate; recall information previously taught; recite Bible memory verses; independently complete tasks; concentrate on the task at hand

Learn to express self to others; make relevant verbal contributions in small group discussions; learn and sing songs with the class; listen to stories (Bible and other); listen to and follows directions; answer questions about stories

Learn to accept and respect adults; show respect for other students; work without disturbing others; work and play cooperatively with other children; obey classroom rules

Learn to count from 1 to 20; point to and name numbers 1 to 10; classify objects by color, shape, and size; point to and name shapes: triangle, square, circle, rectangle, and oval; show one to one correspondence; point to and name colors

Gross Motor
Learn to throw and catch a ball; balance on one foot; produce the following motions: walk backwards, run smoothly, skip, hop four times on each foot, walk and run on tiptoes; independently dress self for outdoors

Fine Motor
Be able to cut with scissors; trace around a simple object; connect dotted lines; use crayon, pencil, or markers with ease in a defined area; able to print one’s name correctly and neatly; hold a writing instrument correctly; complete work neatly

Pre-Reading Skills
Learn to follow print and go left to right; know and say ABC sequence; know most Zoophonic sounds and motions; know names of letters; know how to form letters with minimal help