Handbooks & guides

A parent’s guide for explaining the underlying doctrine, core beliefs and general policies of Grace Christian Academy.

A student’s guide to course credits, exams, grade point averages, homework guidelines, awards, chapel, electronics use, emergency procedures, hot lunch, open campus, textbooks, attendance terms, lifestyle, personal appearance, busing, and many other basic policies and procedures at GCA.

Elementary Curriculum Guide (PDF)

A guide explaining the curriculum of each elementary grade level organized by subject type, homework expectations, report cards and grading, school supplies and more.

HIGH SCHOOL Curriculum Guide (PDF)
A guide explaining high school registration information, the required curriculum for each high shool grade, junior and senior high graduation requirements, special opportunities, and a detailed description of each class available at the GCA high school.

Chromebooks are loaned to students, compliments of EANS funding, after Parents & Students complete and sign the Chromebook Policy Sign-off and Student Pledge.​  This guide describes Chromebook use, care and other parameters.